william grant still

VanguardTV: Song for the Lonely by William Grant Still

Raindrops, soft from the mist
Disturb the stillness of my thoughts
Raindrops, soft from the mist
Beat down

A bird note breaks, the all pervading hush
A ray of moonlight cuts a darkness
No footstep comes along a rebel highway
Not the sound of a stone displaced

Soft raindrops, fresh from the mist
Dull the pain of loneliness
Soft raindrops, fresh from the mist

Raindrops, unceasing, they bring again the breath of a presence
Raindrops insistent they bring again the long lost dream

Raindrops raindrops unending they fall into my soul…
Into my heart and mingle with my tears

This piece is hauntingly beautiful. William Grant Still creates the perfect sonic interpretation of loneliness, something I’m sure a lot of us felt this past year. It sucks to be lonely, but if you can change your perception of what it means to be lonely you can make good use of your ME* time. There’s always time for self-reflection, solo dance parties, and naps when you’re alone, so it doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. Next time you’re feeling lonely go for a walk, treat yourself to ice cream, visit a cat/dog shelter, just do something other than staring off into space for hours on end (unless you actually enjoy that, then go ahead and do you), but make the most out of your ME time!