
VanguardTV: Splinter, VIII. Red Pine by Marc Mellits

Welcome to VanguardTV, a weekly video series where we’ll be sharing virtual performances of some of our favorite reed quintet music, plus some solo projects and other exciting content! We’ve also recently launched a Patreon and we’d greatly appreciate your support. For just $5 a month, you’ll get exclusive access to our video content on Fridays, 3 days before everyone else gets to see it!

We’re starting off this series with one of our absolute favorites in the reed quintet repertoire. Marc Mellits’s Splinter does an excellent job of showing off the reediness of this ensemble. This last movement, Red Pine, puts the spotlight on our bass section, Nico and Jaquain! The cool rhythms and the funky melody make this movement an excellent closer for the piece and are an absolute blast to play.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the first video in our new series! Let us know what you thought in the comments below.